Digital solutions
No development in the past decades has had such an impact on our lives as the growing opportunities of recording, saving, processing and exchanging data. We have automatically integrated new products and systems into our everyday lives. The same development from analog to digital technology can also be seen in industry.
SAMSON is taking on the challenge of digitalization. We are working to become the first choice for smart valves, flexible production processes, and challenging applications.
We are optimally prepared to achieve our target. At SAMSON, the staff's know-how on valves, actuators and positioners as well as the customers' knowledge of the processes are brought together. SAMSON counts on over 100 years of experience in valve engineering and has accumulated the necessary know-how to analyze data and draw the right conclusions.
In the course of digital transformation at SAMSON, the new SAM DIGITAL product line is being constantly developed to enhance our product range and to provide users with genuine added value. SAM DIGITAL contains all digital solutions by SAMSON as well as products required for connectivity.
SAM is not just an abbreviation of the SAMSON name, but also stands for SAMSON ASSET MANAGEMENT.
SAM DISTRICT ENERGY is a web-based solution for managing, controlling and optimizing heating and cooling systems. All key data on connected controllers, utility meters and electric actuators are saved at one central location. Gateways are used to record the energy consumption at every station and make the associated data available on the SAM DISTRICT ENERGY platform. Meter IDs and consumption data are clearly assigned to one another so that the heat consumption and billing information are recorded for every customer. It is no longer necessary to read the meters on site. The large amount of data recorded makes it possible to analyze the local and district heating networks the consumers are connected to and increase their efficiency.
Interested in using the benefits provided by SAM DIGITAL also for third-party equipment?
SAM FLEX is the right solution for you. In addition to networking smart SAMSON devices, SAM FLEX makes it possible to link final elements and sensors by other manufacturers as well. On request, our software engineers tailor SAM FLEX to fit your specific needs. Naturally, standard functions from SAM VALVE MANAGEMENT can be integrated without any problems. Thanks to the flexibility of our modular system, different applications (such as plant monitoring, efficiency calculations, energy management) can be tailored to your specific task. SAM FLEX, customized to your corporate design, can even be the basis for your own business models.
SAM VALVE MANAGEMENT lets you keep track of all smart control valves installed in your plant from anywhere in the world. All you have to do is link the smart SAMSON positioners fitted on your valves with the SAM DIGITAL cloud solution. The networked positioners are displayed together with their device status. In addition, you can monitor current actual and target values, trends and historical data for every single positioner in a device view.
SAM VALVE MANAGEMENT makes all data required for plant operation accessible at one central location, regardless of the process control system and communication protocol used.
SAM GUARD, our predictive monitoring and diagnostics system, detects failures days to weeks in advance and provides a few truly actionable alerts. Based on Precognize, SAM GUARD covers the topology of a plant, analyses the data and detects anomalies in the process.
SAM GUARD is able to predict which of the sometimes thousands of field units in a plant will have to be inspected, replaced or repaired in the future.